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Natalie - A Gem Among the Sea-Weeds by Ferna Vale
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"But the goodly pearl which the merchant bought,
And for which his all he gave,
Was a purer pearl than will e'er be brought
From under the FOAMING wave."


"Massa Grobener! Massa Grobener! Please, sar, look here! De good Lord
hab left his mitest ob angels here on de beach; and please, sar, step
low or de wee bit will take to its wings and fly away. De good Lord be
praised! but old Bingo hab found many a bright sea-weed in his day, but
dis am de sweetest sea-flower ob de whole."

And as he spoke, the little one stretched out its tiny arms toward the
poor old black man and gave a faint moan. Captain Grosvenor, who had now
come up with the negro, was no less surprised than had been old Vingo,
at discovering, among the fresh, bright sea-weed, an infant some eight
months old. The babe was carefully lashed into a large wooden trough or
bowl, and a canvas firmly stretched over the top, permitting only the
head and arms to remain exposed, and judging from the dripping condition
of the worthy little sea-craft, it could not have been many moments
since it had come to anchor on the smooth, hard beach; probably the now
receding waves had borne the precious burden to this most welcome
harbor--"whereby hangs a tale."

"De good Lord be praised, massa! but dis am de most curous ob all
sea-ve'cles that eber trabers de great waters! I sure it must be a
speint from de great scripture ark massa read about in de good book; or
may be it am one ob those old-time chariots, fiery chariots, we sings
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