The Gracchi Marius and Sulla - Epochs of Ancient History by A.H. Beesley
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page 4 of 219 (01%)
Tiberius--His aims--His Corn Law defended--His Lex Judiciaria--His law
concerning the taxation of Asia--His conciliation of the equites--His colonies--He proposes to give the franchise to the Italians--Other projects--Machinations of the nobles against him--M. Livius Drusus outbids him--Stands again for the tribunate, but is rejected--His murder--Some of his laws remain in force--The Maria Lex--Reactionary legislation of the Senate--The Lex Thoria--All offices confined to a close circle CHAPTER IV. THE JUGURTHINE WAR. Legacy of Attalus--Aristonicus usurps his kingdom--Settlement of Asia--Jugurtha murders Hiempsal and attacks Adherbal--His intrigues at Rome and the infamy of M. Aemilius Scaurus and the other Roman nobles--Three commissions bribed by Jugurtha--Adherbal murdered--Rome declares war and Jugurtha bribes the Roman generals, Bestia and Scaurus--Memmius denounces them at Rome--Jugurtha summoned to Rome, where he murders Massiva--He defeats Aulus Albinos--Metellus sent against him Jugurtha defeated on the Muthul--Keeps up a guerilla warfare--Marius stands for the consulship, and succeeds Metellus--Bocchus betrays Jugurtha to Sulla--Settlement of Numidia CHAPTER V. THE CIMBRI AND TEUTONES. |