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The Tragedies of the Medici by Edgcumbe Staley
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the Valle della Sieve and founded a church--Santa Maria dell'
Assunta--possibly the enlargement of his cell--upon Monte Senario,
between the valley of the Arno and that of the Sieve.

Ser Gianbuono--ecclesiastic or not--had two sons--Bonagiunto, "Lucky
Lad," and Chiarissimo II. In those primitive times nobody troubled about
surnames--idiosyncrasy of any kind was a sufficient indication of
individuality. The brothers were enterprising fellows, and both made
tracks for Florence, which--risen Phoenix-like from barbarian ashes--was
thriving marvellously as a mart for art and craft.

Ser Bonagiunto, in the first decade of the thirteenth century, was
living in the Sestiere di Porta del Duomo, and working busily in wood
and stone, the stalwart parent of a vigorous progeny. It was his
great-grandson, Ardingo--a famous athlete in the _giostre_ and a soldier
of renown--who first of his family attained the rank of _Signore_.

Ser Chiarissimo, between 1201-1210, owned a tower near San Tommaso, at
the north-east angle of the Mercato Vecchio--later, the family church of
the Medici--and under it a _bottega_, or _canova_, for the sale of his
grandmother's recipes. Over the door he put up his sign--seven golden
_Pillole di Speziale_--pills or balls, which were emblazoned upon the
proud escutcheon of his descendants. He was called "_il Medico_"--"the
doctor"--hence the family name "Medici."

These were the days when the foundations of the fortunes of many great
Florentine families were laid. The loaning of money was the royal road
to affluence, and everybody who, by chance, had a spare gold florin or
two, became _ipso facto_ a "_Presto_" or bank. Next, after lending to
one another with a moderate profit--a _dono di tempo_ or a
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