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A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents - Volume 2, part 2: John Quincy Adams by Unknown
page 3 of 275 (01%)
In 1830 he was elected to Congress, and took his seat in December, 1831.
He continued to represent his native district for seventeen years,
during which time he was constantly at his post. On the 21st of
February, 1848, while in his seat at the Capitol, he was stricken with
paralysis, and died on the 23d of that month. He was buried at Quincy,


Mr. Webster, from the committee appointed for that purpose yesterday,
reported that the committee had waited on John Quincy Adams, of
Massachusetts, and had notified him that in the recent election of a
President of the United States, no person having received a majority of
the votes of all the electors appointed, and the choice having
consequently devolved upon the House of Representatives, that House,
proceeding in the manner prescribed by the Constitution, did yesterday
choose him to be President of the United States for four years,
commencing on the 4th day of March next, and that the committee had
received a written answer, which he presented to the House. Mr. Webster
also reported that in further performance of its duty the committee had
given the information of this election to the President.

February 10, 1825.

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