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A Publisher and His Friends - Memoir and Correspondence of John Murray; with an - Account of the Origin and Progress of the House, 1768-1843 by Samuel Smiles
page 12 of 594 (02%)
correspondence with Murray--Letter from Mr. R. Hay to the present Mr.
Murray about Gifford



Murray's desire to start a new periodical--Benjamin Disraeli--Projected
morning paper--Benjamin Disraeli's early career and writings--Letters to
Murray about "Aylmer Papillon"--Benjamin Disraeli's increasing intimacy
with Murray--Origin of the scheme to start a daily paper--South American
speculation--Messrs. Powles--Agreement to start a daily paper--the
_Representative_--Benjamin Disraeli's journey to consult Sir W. Scott
about the editorship--His letters to Murray--Visit to Chiefswood
--Progress of the negotiation-Mr. Lockhart's reluctance to
assume the editorship--Letter from Mr. I. D'Israeli to Murray--Mr.
Lockhart's first introduction to Murray--His letter about the
editorship--Sir W. Scott's letter to Murray--Editorship of _Quarterly_
offered to Lockhart--Murray's letter to Sir W. Scott--Mr. Lockhart
accepts the editorship of the _Quarterly_--Disraeli's activity in
promoting the _Representative_--His letters to Murray--Premises
taken--Arrangements for foreign correspondence--Letters to Mr.
Maas--Engagement of Mr. Watts and Mr. S.C. Hall--Mr. Disraeli ceases to
take part in the undertaking--Publication of the _Representative_--Dr.
Maginn--Failure of the _Representative_--Effect of the strain on
Murray's health--Letters from friends--The financial crisis--Failure of
Constable and Ballantyne--The end of the _Representative_--Coolness
between Murray and Mr. D'Israeli

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