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A Publisher and His Friends - Memoir and Correspondence of John Murray; with an - Account of the Origin and Progress of the House, 1768-1843 by Samuel Smiles
page 28 of 594 (04%)
The income of the property was divided as follows: one half to the
education and maintenance of Mr. Murray's three children, and the other
half to his wife so long as she remained a widow. But in the event of
her marrying again, her share was to be reduced by one-third and her
executorship was to cease.

John Murray began his publishing career at the age of twenty-three. He
was twenty-five years in business, and he died at the comparatively
early age of forty-eight. That publishing books is not always a
money-making business may be inferred from the fact that during these
twenty-five years he did not, with all his industry, double his capital.



John Murray the Second--the "Anax of Publishers," according to Lord
Byron--was born on November 27, 1778. He was his father's only surviving
son by his second marriage, and being only fifteen at his father's
death, was too young to enter upon the business of the firm, which was
carried on by Samuel Highley--the "faithful shopman" mentioned in the
elder Murray's will--for the benefit of his widow and family. What his
father thought of him, of his health, spirits, and good nature, will
have been seen from the preceding chapter.

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