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A Publisher and His Friends - Memoir and Correspondence of John Murray; with an - Account of the Origin and Progress of the House, 1768-1843 by Samuel Smiles
page 94 of 594 (15%)
form a sufficiently good number before the first _Quarterly Review_ was
launched into the world.



While Mr. Gifford was marshalling his forces and preparing for the issue
of the first number of the _Quarterly_, Mr. Murray was corresponding
with James Ballantyne of Edinburgh as to the works they were jointly
engaged in bringing out, and also with respect to the northern agency of
the new _Review_. An arrangement was made between them that they should
meet at Boroughbridge, in Yorkshire, at the beginning of January 1809,
for the purpose of concocting their plans. Ballantyne proposed to leave
Edinburgh on January 5, and Murray was to set out from London on the
same day, both making for Boroughbridge. A few days before Ballantyne
left Edinburgh he wrote to Murray:

"I shall not let a living soul know of my intended journey. Entire
secrecy seems necessary at present. I dined yesterday _tête-à-tête_ with
Mr. Scott, and had a great deal of highly important conversation with
him. He showed me a letter bidding a final farewell to the house of

It was mid-winter, and there were increasing indications of a heavy
storm brewing. Notwithstanding the severity of the weather, however,
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