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Lawn Tennis for Ladies by Mrs. Lambert Chambers
page 38 of 82 (46%)

The material that this plain shirt and skirt is made of does not so much
matter, and must be according to the taste of the wearer. Serge,
flannel, and cotton are the most popular, and the last predominates.
White is undoubtedly the best colour to wear. It washes well and does
not fade, and looks very much neater on the court than a coloured
material. I prefer white shoes and stockings, for I think it looks nicer
to be in one uniform colour. But this is a matter of taste. Some people
urge that white shoes make your feet appear much bigger than black or
brown. I do not agree. If you are wearing a white skirt, the black or
brown shoe must show up more distinctly against it than a shoe of the
same colour.

I have also heard it decided that when girls are compelled to play in
the rain or on dreadfully muddy courts, as unfortunately they often are,
it is better for them to don a dark skirt of thicker material. This
seems to me a great mistake. A white skirt will wash well, and it does
not matter how dirty it gets; so long as you do not have it trailing in
the mud it cannot come to much harm. It looks as neat as anything can
look that is surrounded by rain and mud. A dark stuff skirt, on the
other hand, which many players use in wet weather, does not wash, and
is absolutely ruined after a soaking. Moreover, it is twice as heavy to
drag about the court.

If you do not happen to have steel-pointed shoes with you, and are
called upon to play in the wet, it is a good plan to wear a pair of
men's thick shooting stockings or socks over your tennis shoes. It is
wonderful what a firm grip they give without in any way impeding your

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