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Lawn Tennis for Ladies by Mrs. Lambert Chambers
page 44 of 82 (53%)
courts also dry quickly after rain, and often play better for their



I wish an "Order of Play" could be used more at English tournaments.
That is to say, I wish matches could be arranged to take place at a
certain hour, following the plan adopted at Wimbledon and at all the
meetings on the Continent. Such an arrangement would greatly add to the
comfort and enjoyment of competitors, and would, I imagine, be a great
boon to the referee. Spectators, I know, would welcome it. I think a
time-table might prove unworkable where handicap events are concerned,
but in the case of open events I feel sure it could be introduced with
great advantage to all concerned. I have so often sat hour after hour at
a London tournament (having only entered for the open events), perhaps
playing one match, perhaps not playing at all. If I had been told
overnight that I should not be wanted, or exactly at what hour my match
would take place, it would have been so much more satisfactory and saved
so much wasted time. This waiting about takes away half the pleasure of
playing in London meetings. Even if there are good matches going on you
do not care to watch them incessantly; there may be a chance of your
playing off a tie, and it would tend to put your eye out. On one
occasion, having a long way to go to a tournament in which I was only
entered for the open mixed doubles, I telephoned to know whether I
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