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Footsteps on the Road to Learning; - The Alphabet in Rhyme by Anonymous
page 3 of 7 (42%)

Ee _Ee_ Ff _Ff_

E is for Eye, for Ear and for East,
For Elk, and for Eel, and for End;
F is for Fire, for Fan, and for Feast,
For Fox, and for Frank, and for Friend.

* * * * *

[Illustration: GIRL. HORSE.]

Gg _Gg_ Hh _Hh_

G is for Girl, for Grate, and for Gull;
For Go, and for Gun, and for Gate,
H is for Hen, for Hop, and for Hull,
For Hat, and for Hut, and for Hate.

[Illustration: ILL--JOHN--KITE--LADS]

[Illustration: IBEX. JACKAL.]

Ii _Ii_ Jj _Jj_

I is for Ink, for Idler, for Inn,
For Ibex, for Ice, and for 1ll;
J is for Jug, for John, and for Jim,
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