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Child's New Story Book; - Tales and Dialogues for Little Folks by Anonymous
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deck of the ship, to be the famous navigator, Captain Cook, going to
find them."

"Do you know that the Friendly Islands were raised by corals?"

"I suppose they were."

"Do you know where Captain Cook was born?"

"He was born at Marton, a village in the North Riding of Yorkshire,
in England."

* * * * *

[Illustration: The Little Girl and the Shell.]

The Little Girl and the Shell.

When I went to visit a friend, the other day, I saw a little girl with
whom I was much pleased. She sat on a low seat by the fire-side, and
she held in her hand a pretty white sea-shell, faintly tinted with pink,
which she kept placing against her ear; and all the while a settled calm
rested upon her face, and she seemed as if she were listening to the
holy tones of some loved voice; then taking it away from her ear, she
would gaze upon it with a look of deep fondness and pensive delight.
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