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The Riverman by Stewart Edward White
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I was pleased to find S.E. White's "The Riverman" as a Project
Gutenberg Etext as I had been looking for it elsewhere, but the
text had somehow been scrambled, with bits and pieces in the
wrong order. So I'm sending you my corrected version.

I believe I have joined all the pieces correctly, but I could
do nothing about the one or more missing lines shortly after the
mention of "Koosy-oonek" in chapter IV. I have marked the hiatus
with five asterisks (*****). I hope that someone will fill in the
missing line(s).

Yours sincerely,
Thorild Vrang Bennett, Aarhus, Denmark. Email:

jt Nov 03 - A reader reports from another edition that there is
no missing word, and that the sentence does read
". . . brings rain on the just when they want to go fishing."

The Riverman

by Stewart Edward White


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