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Midnight by Octavus Roy Cohen
page 34 of 234 (14%)
from other fellows is usually worth knowing something about."

"Right you are! But that sort of a man--you'd hardly think he'd be the
victim of--hello, what's this?"

Carroll had been going through the dead man's wallet. He rose to his
feet, and as he did so Leverage saw that the purse was stuffed with bills
of large denomination--a very considerable sum of money. But apparently
Carroll was not interested in the money; in his hand he held a
railroad-ticket and a small purple Pullman check.

"What's the idea?" questioned Leverage.

"Brings us back to the woman again," replied Carroll, with peculiar

"How so?"

"He was planning to take a trip with her."

Leverage glanced at the other man with an admixture of skepticism
and wonder.

"How did you guess that?"

"I didn't guess it. It's almost a sure thing. At least, it is pretty
positive that he was not planning to go alone."

"Yes? Tell me how you know."

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