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Greek in a Nutshell by James Strong
page 2 of 61 (03%)

This little Manual was originally prepared for the NORMAL CLASS, at
the request of the editor of that Journal, and was at the same time
expected to form an instruction book at the Sunday-School Assembly
annually held at Chautauqua. This accounts for its form in twelve
series of two pages each. The reading lessons, however, have been
made sufficiently full for subsequent study. Of course the simplest
elements only of the Greek language can be comprised in such narrow
limits; nor can a full vocabulary or ready facility be acquired in so
short a course. Nevertheless, a good beginning may be made, and that
is "half the battle" in any enterprise. It is believed that a thorough
mastery of this small volume will prove a conquest over all the real
difficulties of the original tongue of the New Testament.

J. S.




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