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The Expedition of the Donner Party and its Tragic Fate by Eliza Poor Donner Houghton
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truth"? Who can doubt that my resolve has been ever kept fresh in mind,
by eager research for verification and by diligent communication with
older survivors, and rescuers sent to our relief, who answered my many
questions and cleared my obscure points?

And now, when blessed with the sunshine of peace and happiness, I am
finishing my work of filial love and duty to my party and the State of
my adoption, who can wonder that I find on my chain of remembrance
countless names marked, "forget me not"? Among the many to whom I
became greatly indebted in my young womanhood for valuable data and
gracious encouragement in my researches are General William Tecumseh
Sherman, General John A. Sutter, Mrs. Ulysses S. Grant, Mrs. Jessie
Benton Frémont, Honorable Allen Francis, and C.F. McGlashan, author of
the "History of the Donner Party."

My fondest affection must ever cling to the dear, quaint old pioneer
men and women, whose hand-clasps were warmth and cheer, and whose
givings were like milk and honey to my desolate childhood. For each and
all of them I have full measure of gratitude, often pressed down, and
now overflowing to their sons and daughters, for, with keenest
appreciation I learned that, on June 10, 1910, the order of Native Sons
of the Golden West laid the corner stone of "Donner Monument," on the
old emigrant trail near the beautiful lake which bears the party's
name. There the Native Sons of the Golden West, aided by the Native
Daughters of the Golden West, propose to erect a memorial to all
overland California pioneers.

In a letter to me from Dr. C.W. Chapman, chairman of that monument
committee, is the following forceful paragraph:

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