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For Gold or Soul? - The Story of a Great Department Store by Lurana W. Sheldon
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have staked his all that the girl had not touched the money.

Mr. Forbes made a hurried search through his desk while the young man
was gone. He was so upset about his loss that he had forgotten the
Government Inspector completely.

The five hundred dollars was not to be found and Mr. Forbes was allowing
his temper full vent--through the usual medium of blasphemous profanity.

He was so positive that the girl would be caught at once that he almost
gasped when Mr. Watkins came back without her.

"She's gone, sir," said the young man, shortly. "The detective here saw
her go out. She went down the elevator and out the side entrance. Bob's
description of her is all right. I am sure it was Miss Marvin."

Bob Hardy, a store detective, came in while Mr. Watkins was speaking.

"I'm right, sir; couldn't be mistaken. She was out like an arrow," he
said, respectfully.

"And to think that I was stupid enough not to take her address, but
probably she would have lied about it. Those creatures are always
tricky," snarled the superintendent.

The detective took a step forward and removed his hat.

"There'll be no trouble in finding her, sir," he said; "I know who she
is. I've seen her a dozen times before, and I'm not apt to be mistaken."

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