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For Gold or Soul? - The Story of a Great Department Store by Lurana W. Sheldon
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At last a private door was opened by an elfish-looking boy, and the
earliest applicant was allowed to enter, the boy warning her, as she did
so, to "be quick about it."

"So you are looking for work? Well, what can you do? Got any references?
Talk fast, for I have no time to waste on applicants."

The speaker was Mr. Duncan Forbes, junior partner, as well as business
superintendent of the establishment, and the person spoken to was a
beautiful girl, about seventeen years of age, who had called to apply
for a position as saleswoman.

"I have never worked before, sir," said the young girl, trying to obey
and talk as rapidly as possible, "but I am sure I could learn in a very
short time, if only you will give me a trial as saleswoman. Do please
give me a trial!"

The keen-eyed superintendent looked over her scrutinizingly.

He at once saw that she was a girl unaccustomed to drudgery, and that
her clothes were of fine materials, although they were fast growing

Her cheeks were rosy from plenty of exercise in the sun and air, her
figure was rounded, and her carriage graceful.

She did not resemble in the least the sallow-faced specimens of
womanhood who swarmed over Denton, Day & Co.'s various departments, but
these very differences seemed to influence him against her. He wanted
girls with experience, and experience, in their line of business, meant
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