Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 153, August 15, 1917 by Various
page 60 of 61 (98%)
page 60 of 61 (98%)
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* * * * * [Illustration: _Allotment Tripper._ "THIS HERE NORTH SEA DON'T HALF WANT WEEDING."] * * * * * If you wish to complete your knowledge of the working of our new armies and learn something of the business of the A.S.C. you can do so without being bored in _L. of C._ (CONSTABLE), by Captain JAMES AGATE. The author is one of that bright band of Mancunians which _The Manchester Guardian_ has attached to its august fringes. He writes of the business in hand, the vagaries of stores and indents and mere men and brass hats, on this and the other side of the Channel, all with a very light and engaging pen, and then spreads himself on any old far-off thing that interests him, such as the theatre, perhaps a little self-consciously and with a pleasant air of swagger most forgivable and, indeed, enjoyable. His chief preoccupation is with art and letters, it is clear; but, turning from them to the handling of urgent things and difficult men, he faces the business manfully. Of the men in particular he has illuminating things to say, redounding to their credit and, by implication, to his. To those who appreciate form in penwork this book may be safely recommended. * * * * * The Welcome. "Mr. F.H. ----, the newly co-opted member of the Hampstead Board |