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Captains All - Captains All, Part 1. by W. W. Jacobs
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One time when 'e was ashore with Peter Russet and Ginger Dick he seemed
to 'ave got it on the brain. He started being careful of 'is money
instead o' spending it, and three mornings running he bought a newspaper
and read the advertisements, to see whether there was any comfortable
berth for a strong, good-'arted man wot didn't like work.

He actually went arter one situation, and, if it hadn't ha' been for
seventy-nine other men, he said he believed he'd ha' had a good chance of
getting it. As it was, all 'e got was a black eye for shoving another
man, and for a day or two he was so down-'arted that 'e was no company at
all for the other two.

For three or four days 'e went out by 'imself, and then, all of a sudden,
Ginger Dick and Peter began to notice a great change in him. He seemed
to 'ave got quite cheerful and 'appy. He answered 'em back pleasant when
they spoke to 'im, and one night he lay in 'is bed whistling comic songs
until Ginger and Peter Russet 'ad to get out o' bed to him. When he
bought a new necktie and a smart cap and washed 'imself twice in one day
they fust began to ask each other wot was up, and then they asked him.

"Up?" ses Sam; "nothing."

"He's in love," ses Peter Russet.

"You're a liar," ses Sam, without turning round.

"He'll 'ave it bad at 'is age," ses Ginger.

Sam didn't say nothing, but he kept fidgeting about as though 'e'd got
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