The Nest Egg - Captains All, Book 3. by W. W. Jacobs
page 15 of 17 (88%)
page 15 of 17 (88%)
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"One o' the worst I ever see," ses Mrs. Cook. "It looks as though it might ha' been cut out o' the Police News." "'Owever could you ha' trusted a man with a face like that, Charlie?" ses old Cook. "Come away from 'im, Bill; I don't like such a chap in the room." Jack Bates began to feel very awk'ard. They was all glaring at 'im as though they could eat 'im, and he wasn't used to such treatment. And, as a matter o' fact, he'd got a very good-'arted face. "You go out o' that door," ses old Cook, pointing to it. "Go and do your worst. You won't get any money 'ere." "Stop a minute," ses Emma, and afore they could stop 'er she ran upstairs. Mrs. Cook went arter 'er and 'igh words was heard up in the bedroom, but by-and-by Emma came down holding her head very 'igh and looking at Jack Bates as though he was dirt. "How am I to know Charlie owes you this money?" she ses. Jack Bates turned very red, and arter fumbling in 'is pockets took out about a dozen dirty bits o' paper, which Charlie 'ad given 'im for I O U's. Emma read 'em all, and then she threw a little parcel on the table. "There's your money," she ses; "take it and go." Mrs. Cook and 'er father began to call out, but it was no good. |