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The Nest Egg - Captains All, Book 3. by W. W. Jacobs
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their ears.

"You just step round and 'ave a look at the place," ses old Cook; "if
that don't make you alter your tune, call me a sinner."

Charlie Tagg felt as though 'e could ha' called 'im a lot o' worse things
than that, but he took up 'is hat and Mrs. Cook and Emma got their
bonnets on and they went round.

"I don't think much of it for eighty pounds," ses Charlie, beginning his
artfulness as they came near a big shop, with plate-glass and a double

"Eh?" ses old Cook, staring at 'im. "Why, that ain't the place. Why,
you wouldn't get that for eight 'undred."

"Well, I don't think much of it," ses Charlie; "if it's worse than that I
can't look at it--I can't, indeed."

"You ain't been drinking, Charlie?" ses old Cook, in a puzzled voice.

"Certainly not," ses Charlie.

He was pleased to see 'ow anxious they all looked, and when they did come
to the shop 'e set up a laugh that old Cook said chilled the marrer in
'is bones. He stood looking in a 'elpless sort o' way at his wife and
Emma, and then at last he ses, "There it is; and a fair bargain at the

"I s'pose you ain't been drinking?" ses Charlie.
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