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The Nest Egg - Captains All, Book 3. by W. W. Jacobs
page 7 of 17 (41%)
Charlie felt 'ot and cold all over. "I'd better take care of it," he
ses, in a trembling voice. "You might be robbed."

"So might you be," ses Mrs. Cook. "Don't you worry; it's in a safe

"Sailormen are always being robbed," ses George Smith, who 'ad been
helping young Bill with 'is sums while they 'ad gone to look at the shop.
"There's more sailormen robbed than all the rest put together."

"They won't rob Charlie," ses Mrs. Cook, pressing 'er lips together.
"I'll take care o' that."

Charlie tried to laugh, but 'e made such a queer noise that young Bill
made a large blot on 'is exercise-book, and old Cook, wot was lighting
his pipe, burnt 'is fingers through not looking wot 'e was doing.

"You see," ses Charlie, "if I was robbed, which ain't at all likely, it
'ud only be me losing my own money; but if you was robbed of it you'd
never forgive yourselves."

"I dessay I should get over it," ses Mrs. Cook, sniffing. "I'd 'ave a
try, at all events."

Charlie started to laugh agin, and old Cook, who had struck another
match, blew it out and waited till he'd finished.

"The whole truth is," ses Charlie, looking round, "I've got something
better to do with the money. I've got a chance offered me that'll make
me able to double it afore you know where you are."
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