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Bambi by Marjorie Benton Cooke
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well is to dance, and no real man wants to be supported by his
wife's toes."

The Professor smiled mirthlessly. "Is this a general discussion, or are
you leading to a specific point, Bambi?" he inquired.

"It's a specific charge of incompetence against you and me. Why didn't
you teach me something? You know more about mathematics than the man who
invented them, and I am not even sure that two and two make four."

"You're young yet, my dear; you can learn. What is it you want to

"Success, and how to get it."

"Success, in the general sense of the word, has never seemed very
important to me. To do your work well----"

"Yes, I know. It is the fact that you have not thought success important
that hampers me so in the choice of a husband."

"Bambina, that is the second time a husband has been mentioned in this
discussion. Have you some individual under consideration?"

"I have. I have practically decided on him."

"You don't tell me! Do I know the young man?"

"Oh, yes--Jarvis Jocelyn."

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