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Christianity and Islam by C.H. Becker
page 2 of 61 (03%)

The nature of the subject: the historical points of connection between
Christianity and Islam

A. Christianity and the rise of Islam:

1. Muhammed and his contemporaries

2. The influence of Christianity upon the development of Muhammed

3. Muhammed's knowledge of Christianity

4. The position of Christians under Muhammedanism

B. The similarity of Christian and Muhammedan metaphysics during the
middle ages:

1. The means and direction by which Christian influence affected

2. The penetration of daily life by the spirit of religion;
asceticism, contradictions and influences affecting the
development of a clerical class and the theory of

3. The theory of life in general with reference to the doctrine
of immortality

4. The attitude of religion towards the State, economic life,
society, etc.
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