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A Project for Flying - In Earnest at Last! by Robert Hardley
page 33 of 33 (100%)
from all quarters, an equal chance exists of advantages to be derived,
as of disadvantages to be encountered from their occurrence; and that,
even without the means of making a selection, the admitted laws of
reasoning would justify us in considering the chances of the latter
to be fully counterbalanced by those of the former. It is enough, for
moderate success at least, if, possessing the power of avoiding the
bad, and of availing himself of the good, the aeronaut be furnished
with the means of making a sufficient progress for himself when the
atmosphere is such as neither to favour nor to obstruct him; and in
this condition I humbly conceive he would be placed, with even a
less rate of motion than that which we have before assigned, and
confidently reckon upon being able to accomplish.

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