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Poetical Works of Johnson, Parnell, Gray, and Smollett - With Memoirs, Critical Dissertations, and Explanatory Notes by Thomas Gray;Thomas Parnell;Tobias George Smollett;Samuel Johnson
page 4 of 295 (01%)
Translation of Horace, Book i. Ode xxii.
Translation of Horace, Book ii. Ode ix.
Translation of part of the Dialogue between Hector and
Andromache.--From the Sixth Book of Homer's Iliad
To Miss * * * * on her Playing upon a Harpsichord in a Room hung
with Flower-Pieces of her own Painting
Evening: an Ode. To Stella
To the Same
To a Friend
To a Young Lady, on her Birthday
Epilogue intended to have been Spoken by a Lady who was to
personate 'The Ghost of Hermione'
The Young Author
Friendship: an Ode. Printed in the Gentleman's Magazine, 1743
Imitation of the Style of Percy
One and Twenty


The Life and Poetry of Thomas Parnell
Hesiod; or, the Rise of Woman
A Fairy Tale, in the Ancient English Style
To Mr Pope
Health: an Eclogue
The Flies: an Eclogue
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