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Poetical Works of Johnson, Parnell, Gray, and Smollett - With Memoirs, Critical Dissertations, and Explanatory Notes by Thomas Gray;Thomas Parnell;Tobias George Smollett;Samuel Johnson
page 54 of 295 (18%)
Arthritic tyranny consigns;
Whom smiling Nature courts in vain,
Though Rapture sings, and Beauty shines.

4 Yet though my limbs disease invades,
Her wings Imagination tries,
And bears me to the peaceful shades
Where ----'s humble turrets rise.

5 Here stop, my soul, thy rapid flight,
Nor from the pleasing groves depart,
Where first great Nature charm'd my sight,
Where Wisdom first inform'd my heart.

6 Here let me through the vales pursue
A guide--a father--and a friend;
Once more great Nature's works renew,
Once more on Wisdom's voice attend.

7 From false caresses, causeless strife,
Wild hope, vain fear, alike removed,
Here let me learn the use of life,
When best enjoy'd--when most improved.

8 Teach me, thou venerable bower!
Cool Meditation's quiet seat,
The generous scorn of venal power,
The silent grandeur of retreat.

9 When pride by guilt to greatness climbs,
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