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Education as Service by J. (Jiddu) Krishnamurti
page 23 of 46 (50%)

If discrimination has been shown, as suggested in a preceding
paragraph, in choosing the best and most helpful boys for positions of
trust, it will be easy to teach the younger boys to look up to and wish
to please them. The wish to please a loved and admired elder is one of
the strongest motives in a boy, and this should be used to encourage
good conduct, instead of using punishment to drive boys away from what
is bad. If the teacher can succeed in attracting this love and
admiration to himself, he will remain a helper to his students long
after they have become men. I have been told that the boys who were
under Dr. Arnold at Rugby continued in after life to turn to him for
advice in their troubles and perplexities.

We may perhaps add that discrimination is a most important qualification
for those whose duty it is to choose the teachers. High character and
the love-nature of which we have already spoken are absolutely necessary
if the above suggestions are to be carried out.


The next qualification to be considered is Desirelessness.

There are many difficulties in the way of the teacher when he tries to
acquire desirelessness, and it also requires special consideration from
the standpoint of the student.

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