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Education as Service by J. (Jiddu) Krishnamurti
page 34 of 46 (73%)
him away from his duties in the school. Many teachers do not seem to
realise that the school should occupy as much time as they can possibly
give to it outside their home duties. They sometimes do the bare amount
of work necessary, and then rush away to some other occupation which
they find more interesting. No teacher can be really successful in his
profession unless it is the thing he cares for most, unless he is eager
to devote all the time he can to his boys, and feels that he is
happiest when he is working with them or for them.

We are always told that enthusiasm and devotion to their work mark the
successful business man, the successful official, the successful
statesman; they are equally necessary for the successful teacher. Anyone
who desires to rise high in the profession of teaching must bring to his
work, not only ability, but similar enthusiasm and devotion. Surely even
more enthusiasm and devotion should be brought to the moulding of many
hundreds of young lives than to the gaining of money or power. Every
moment that the teacher is with his boys he can help them, for, as has
always been taught in India, being near a good man helps one's
evolution. Away from the school he should be thinking of them and
planning for them, and this he cannot do if his whole mind, out of
school, is taken up with other interests. On this, again, I may quote
Mr. Arundale: "When I get up in the morning my first thought is what has
to be done during the day generally and as regards my own work in
particular. A rapid mental survey of the School and College enables me
to see whether any student seems to stand out as needing particular
help. I make a note of any such student in my note book, so that I may
call him during the day. Then before College hours, before I take up any
extraneous work, I look through my own lectures to see that I am ready
for them. By this time students are continually dropping in with
questions, with their hopes and aspirations, with difficulties and with
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