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Education as Service by J. (Jiddu) Krishnamurti
page 4 of 46 (08%)


Many of the suggestions made in this little book come from my own
memories of early school life; and my own experience since of the
methods used in Occult training has shown me how much happier boys'
lives might be made than they usually are. I have myself experienced
both the right way of teaching and the wrong way, and therefore I want
to help others towards the right way. I write upon the subject because
it is one which is very near to the heart of my Master, and much of what
I say is but an imperfect echo of what I have heard from Him. Then
again, during the last two years, I have seen much of the work done in
the Central Hindu College at Benares by Mr. G.S. Arundale and his
devoted band of helpers. I have seen teachers glad to spend their time
and energies in continual service of those whom they regard as their
younger brothers. I have also watched the boys, in their turn, showing a
reverence and an affectionate gratitude to their teachers that I had
never thought possible.

Though many people may think the ideals put forward are entirely beyond
the average teacher, and cannot be put into practice in ordinary
schools, I can thus point at least to one institution in which I have
seen many of the suggestions made in this book actually carried out. It
may be that some of them _are_, at present, beyond most schools; but
they will be recognised and practised as soon as teachers realise them
as desirable, and have a proper understanding of the importance of their

Most of the recommendations apply, I think, to all countries, and to all
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