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Education as Service by J. (Jiddu) Krishnamurti
page 45 of 46 (97%)
spiritual life of which all partake. It is because the teacher and his
boys are one in essence, make one little flame in "God's own fire," that
the teacher has the right to be confident that every effort to help,
growing out of his own share in the one life, will reach and stimulate
that same life in the boys.

He will not always be able to see at once the effect he is producing.
Indeed, the most important influence the teacher has shows itself in
the growing characters of the boys. No success in examinations, in
reports, in inspections can satisfy the real teacher as to the effect of
his work. But when he feels that his own higher nature is strengthened
and purified by his eagerness to serve his boys, when he has the joy of
watching the divine life in them shining out in answer to that in
himself, then his happiness is indeed great. Then he has the peace of
knowing that he has awakened in his boys the knowledge of their own
divinity, which, sooner or later, will bring them to perfection.

The teacher is justified in feeling confident because the divine life
is in him and his boys, and they turn to him for inspiration and
strength. Let him but send out to them all that is highest in himself,
and he may be quite sure that there will not be one boy who will not to
some extent respond in his own higher Self, however little the response
may be seen by the teacher.

This constant interplay of the one life between teacher and students
will draw them ever nearer to each other. They learn in the school to
live together as elder and younger brothers of the one school family.
By living a life of brotherhood within the small area of the school,
they will be trained to live that life in the larger area of the nation.
Then they will gradually learn that there is but one great brotherhood
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