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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 156, February 26, 1919 by Various
page 16 of 64 (25%)

Once upon a time there was a Royal christening.

It was a very grand christening and the highest in the land were among
the assembled guests. There was more than one Royal Personage present,
and many lords and ladies and ambassadors and plenipotentiaries and
all manner of dignified and imposing people.

For it was a real Princess that was being christened, which is a thing
that does not occur every day in the year.

Quite a number of fairies were there too. Fairies are very fond of
christenings, and there are always a good many of them about on these

They were very lavish in their gifts.

One gave the baby beauty; another gave her a sweet and gentle
disposition; another, charm of manner; a fourth, a quick and
intelligent mind. She really was a very fortunate baby, so many
and so varied were the gifts bestowed upon her by the fairy folk.

Last of all came the Fairy Queen.

She arrived late, having come on from a coster's wedding in the East
End of London, a good many miles away.

She was rather breathless and her crown was a little on one side,
indeed her whole appearance was a trifle dishevelled.

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