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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 156, February 26, 1919 by Various
page 23 of 64 (35%)
of STRAUSS. It has always been very difficult to obtain precise
intelligence about his works, owing to his notorious aversion from
publicity, and we accordingly give this information with all reserve,
simply for what it is worth. It is to the effect that, while retaining
the parts for three Minenwerfen in his new Battle Symphony, he has
been obliged to re-score one movement in which four "Big Berthas" were
prominently engaged, owing to the impossibility of securing any of
these instruments since the Armistice. He has, however, with admirable
resource substituted parts for four influenza microbes. There are no
French horns in the score, but by way of showing a conciliatory spirit
to the British army of occupation he has introduced in the _Finale_
an adaptation of a well-known patriotic song, which is marked on the
margin, "_Die W.A.A.C. am Rhein_."

* * * * *


"Tablemaid (upper), elderly Countess; Scotland, England;
good wage."--_Scotsman_.

* * * * *


"LOCH TAY.--KILLIN.--Mr. C.B. ----, London, had on Beans and
pease quiet and unchanged. Feeding offals 17th one salmon,
27 lb."--_Scotsman_.

But are these lures quite sportsmanlike?
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