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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 156, February 26, 1919 by Various
page 7 of 64 (10%)

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"BOURNEMOUTH.--Delicate or Chronic Lady received in
charming house."--_British Weekly_.

In the new army a gentleman may be "temporary;" but once a lady always
a lady.

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A guileless nation, very soft of heart,
Keen to embrace the whole wide world as brothers,
Anxious to do our reasonable part
In reparation of the sins of others,
We note with pained surprise
How little we are loved by the Allies.

What if the Fatherland was led astray
From homely paths, the scene, of childlike gambols,
Lured to pursue Ambition's naughty way
(And incidentally make earth a shambles),
All through a wicked Kaiser--
Are they, for that blind fault, to brutalize her?

Just when we hoped the past was clean forgot,
They want us to restore their goods and greenery!
They want us to replace upon the spot
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