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Stories of Inventors - The Adventures of Inventors and Engineers by Russell Doubleday
page 2 of 140 (01%)
_The Booklovers Magazine_
_The Holiday Magazine_, and
Messrs. Wood & Nathan Company

for the use of a number of illustrations in this book.

From _The Scientific American_, illustrations facing pages 16, 48,
78, 80, 88, 94, 118, 126, 142, and 162.

From _The Booklovers Magazine_, illustrations facing pages 184, 190,
194, and 196.

From _The Holiday Magazine_, illustrations facing pages 100 and 110.


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Santos-Dumont and His Air-Ship
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How Automobiles Work
The Fastest Steamboats
The Life-Savers and Their Apparatus
Moving Pictures--Some Strange Subjects and How They Were Taken
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Submarines in War and Peace
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