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The Snow-Drop by Sarah S. Mower
page 13 of 120 (10%)
Till all Columbia praise our deeds,
And nations, o'er the waters,
Will tune their harps and chant their song,
For Franklin's sons and daughters.



The armies of Isr'el round Mount Sinai stood,
And heard, 'midst its thunders, the voice of their God;
All silent and awe-struck they heard the command--
"Bring unto the Lord the first fruits of your land."

These words are as sacred, their import the same--
As when they came pealing through Sinai's dread flame,--
The banner of Jesus should soon be unfurled,
And waving in triumph all over the world.

Salvation's glad tidings! Oh send them abroad!
And tell the poor pagan that there is a God!
Let those who are toiling in dark heathen lands,
Find Christians all ready to strengthen their hands.

Yet let not your gifts and your offerings all roam;--
Remember the servant of Jesus at home;
He's spending his strength and his life in the cause,--
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