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The Snow-Drop by Sarah S. Mower
page 22 of 120 (18%)
Oh may we there together dwell.

Do'nt weep for me, dear mourning friends,
I'm not afraid to meet my God;
The chief of sinners pardon finds,
Washed in the Savior's precious blood.

He sleeps in Jesus and is blest;
I hear the sacred word proclaim,
That all shall find eternal rest,
Who trusted in their Savior's name.

Nor has the pale destroyer done,
Although one victim is at rest;--
He plucks his dagger from the son,
And plants it in a daughter's breast.

The blooming Susan feels the blow,--
Her ruby lips turn deathly pale,--
She cries, Oh! mother, I must go,--
This fatal weapon cannot fail.

The blushing rose forsakes her cheek,--
The lily now usurps its place;--
But still she's patient, mild and meek,
She daily grows in ev'ry grace.

Though fading, yet more lovely still.
She twines around each kindred heart,
While this dread truth their bosoms fill,
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