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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 153, December 19, 1917 by Various
page 41 of 56 (73%)
rely upon them. Quiet and domesticated, requiring little attention,
helpful about the house, undemonstrative perhaps, but all the time
ready for the most desperate emergency. Let me know when George is
to be at home, and I shall come to dinner and hear all about it."

As I sealed my note it occurred to me that George must be the first
special constable to win the Cross, and I felt a glow of satisfaction
to realise that we must now be eligible for that most glorious of all

A few days later came another note from Agatha, about sugar-cards this
time, but with a postscript which said, "It isn't like you to chaff
me, James. I don't see that there is anything particularly funny about
George having got the Vacuum Cleaner which he promised me long ago."

* * * * *


"General Allenby reports that Budrus and Sheikh Obeid Rahid, to
the north of Midieh, were captured by Gurkhas, 50 Tanks being
killed and 10 taken prisoners."--_Evening Paper_.

* * * * *

"Ruler wanted, experienced, male or female (male preferred); wages
according to ability; removal assistance; away from raid area;
permanency to suitable applicant."--_Eastern Daily Press_.

This might suit the KAISER, when Sir DOUGLAS HAIG has provided the
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