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Our Farm of Four Acres and the Money we Made by it by Miss Coulton
page 60 of 83 (72%)
"Granted," said I; "but we should most likely have paid quite as much
to a doctor. We never got through a year in town without a heavy bill
to one; and we must have had all the expense and trouble of taking the
children out of town during the hot weather, while the have had
excellent health ever since they have been here; and with the
exception, when some kind friend like yourself has asked one of them
on a visit, neither of them has left home since we came here. Of one
thing I am quite sure, that we are much happier than we should have
been in London; and that in every point of view, as regards
expenditure, we are gainers. I have not entered any profit arising
from baking at home, though the difference is just three four-pound
loaves weekly; and Mrs. N. will tell you what must be the saving by
our having our own laundry."

"Enough! enough!" said Mr. N., laughingly; "your evidence is
overwhelming. You almost force me to believe that I could live in the
country, feed my own pork, and drink my own milk, without paying half
a crown a pound for the one or a shilling a quart for the other, and
this was what I never before believed possible; and I am quite sure,
that if I were to put the assertion in a book, no one would believe

"Then," exclaimed I, "it shall be asserted in a book whenever I can
find time to transcribe all the particulars from my diary; and I hope
that I may be able to convince my readers--should I be fortunate
enough to obtain any--not only that they may keep cows, pigs, and
poultry without loss, but that they may derive health, recreation, and
profit from doing so. None know better than yourself how worn-out in
health and spirits we were when we came to this place; how oppressed
with cares and anxieties. Without occupation, we should most likely
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