Morning Bells; Or, Waking Thoughts for Little Ones by Frances Ridley Havergal
page 22 of 53 (41%)
page 22 of 53 (41%)
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sent the soldiers away, and trusted God to help him to do without them.
Was it any wonder that he gained a great victory over the Edomites? Does not this teach us that we should simply do the right thing, and trust God at any cost? When you do this, you will find that, in hundreds of ways which you never thought of, "the Lord is able to give thee much more." The trial comes in many different ways. One may be tempted to hurry over prayer and Bible, because there is something else that she very much wants to get done before breakfast, and she is afraid of not having time enough. Another shuts up her little purse when a call comes to give something for God's work, because she is afraid she will not have enough left for another purpose. Another is tempted to look at a key, or to glance over another's shoulder at a lesson, because without it he would not get the marks he is trying for. Another is tempted not to tell the exact truth, or to conceal something which he ought to tell, because he would lose something by it. Oh, resist the devil, and do what you know is right, and trust God for all the rest! For "the Lord is able to give thee much more than this," whatever your "_this_" may be. And His smile and His blessing will always be "more than this," more than anything else! "Be brave to do the right, And scorn to be untrue; When fear would whisper 'yield!' Ask, 'What would Jesus do?'" 13. Thirteenth Day. |