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Notes and Queries, Number 03, November 17, 1849 by Various
page 50 of 57 (87%)


* * * * *{47}

SIX DAYS SALE of the First Portion of the Extensive and Valuable STOCK
OF BOOKS of the late eminent Bookseller, Mr. Thos. Rodd, of Great
Newport Street.

MESSRS. S. LEIGH SOTHEBY and Co., Auctioneers of Literary property and
Works illustrative of the Fine Arts will SELL by AUCTION, at their
House, 3. Wellington Street, Strand, on MONDAY, Nov. 19 and Five
following Days, the First Portion of the extensive and Valuable, STOCK
of BOOKS of the late eminent Bookseller Mr. Thomas Rodd, of Great
Newport Street, London; comprising among other important works,
Anselme (P.) Histoire Généalogique et Chronologique de la Maison
Royale de France, 9 vols., a fine copy of the best edition, on large
paper; Clutterbuck's (R.) History and Antiquities of the County of
Hertford, 3 vols., large paper, uncut; Christina of Pisa, the Fayt of
Armes and of Chyvalrye, by Caxton, in Russia extra, by Lewis; Æsop's
Fables, a very rare edition, by R. Pynson, unknown and undescribed;
Critici Sacri, a fine copy, in 13 vols.; Dumont et Rousset, Corps
Universel Diplomatique du Droit des Gens, a fine copy of this truly
important work, on large paper, in 30 vols.; Edmondson (J.) Baronagium
Genealogicum, 6 vols. large paper; Dugdale's Origines Juridiciales, a
fine illustrated copy, in Russia extra; Grævii et Gronovii Thesaurus
Antiquitatem, 34 vols.; Holinshed's (R.) Chronicles of England,
Scotland, and Ireland, black letter, a choice copy of the best
edition; Grafton's Chronicle at large, fine copy, by C. Lewis, from
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