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Scott's Last Expedition Volume I by Robert Falcon Scott
page 100 of 632 (15%)
Oates reports that the ponies are taking it pretty well.

Soon after 8 A.M. the sky cleared, and we have had brilliant sunshine
throughout the day; the wind came from the N.W. this forenoon, but
has dropped during the afternoon. We increased to 55 revolutions at
10 A.M. The swell is subsiding but not so quickly as I had expected.

To-night it is absolutely calm, with glorious bright sunshine. Several
people were sunning themselves at 11 o'clock! sitting on deck and

The land is clear to-night. Coulman Island 75 miles west.

Sounding at 7 P.M., 187 fathoms.
Sounding at 4 A.M., 310 ,,

_Monday, January_ 2.--Obs. 75° 3', 173° 41'. Made good S. 3
W. 119'; C. Crozier S. 22 W. 159'.--It has been a glorious night
followed by a glorious forenoon; the sun has been shining almost
continuously. Several of us drew a bucket of sea water and had a
bath with salt water soap on the deck. The water was cold, of course,
but it was quite pleasant to dry oneself in the sun. The deck bathing
habit has fallen off since we crossed the Antarctic circle, but Bowers
has kept going in all weathers.

There is still a good deal of swell--difficult to understand after
a day's calm--and less than 200 miles of water to wind-ward.

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