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Scott's Last Expedition Volume I by Robert Falcon Scott
page 116 of 632 (18%)
_'British Quadrupeds'--Bell:_

'The fierceness and voracity of the killer, in which it surpasses
all other known cetaceans.'

In stomach of a 21 ft. specimen were found remains of 13 porpoises
and 14 seals.

A herd of white whales has been seen driven into a bay and literally
torn to pieces.

Teeth, large, conical, and slightly recurred, 11 or 12 on each side
of either jaw.

_'Mammals'--Flower and Lydekker:_

'Distinguished from all their allies by great strength and ferocity.'

'Combine in packs to hunt down and destroy . . . full sized whales.'

'_Marine Mammalia'--Scammon_:

Adult males average 20 feet; females 15 feet.

Strong sharp conical teeth which interlock. Combines great strength
with agility.

Spout 'low and bushy.'

Habits exhibit a boldness and cunning peculiar to their carnivorous
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