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Scott's Last Expedition Volume I by Robert Falcon Scott
page 14 of 632 (02%)
The Western Mountains as seen from Captain Scott's Winter Quarters
at Cape Evans _Facing p._ 126
Mount Terror and its Glaciers 126
The Royal Society Mountains of Victoria Land--Telephoto Study from
Cape Evans 284
Mount Erebus and Glaciers to the Turk's Head 284

Full Page Plates

The Full Page Plates are from photographs by Herbert G. Ponting,
except where otherwise stated

The Crew of the 'Terra Nova' _Facing p._ 2
Captain Oates and Ponies on the 'Terra Nova' 6
'Vaida' 8
'Krisravitsa' 8
'Stareek' Malingering 8
Manning the Pumps 10
The First Iceberg 10
Albatross Soaring 12
Albatrosses Foraging in the Wake of the 'Terra Nova' 12
Dr. Wilson and Dr. Atkinson loading the Harpoon Gun 14
A. B. Cheetham--the Boatswain of the 'Terra Nova' 14
Evening Scene in the Pack 17
Lieut. Evans in the Crow's Nest 20
Furling Sail in the Pack 20
A Berg breaking up in the Pack 23
Moonlight in the Pack 29
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