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Children's Hour with Red Riding Hood and Other Stories by Unknown
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"Along that path, past the wild rose bushes, then through the gate at
the end of the wood, Mr. Wolf."

Then Mr. Wolf again said "Good morning" and set off, and Little Red
Riding Hood again went in search of wild flowers.

At last he reached the porch covered with flowers and knocked at the
door of the cottage.

"Who is there?" called the grandmother.

"Little Red Riding Hood," said the wicked wolf.

"Press the latch, open the door, and walk in," said the grandmother.

The wolf pressed the latch, and walked in where the grandmother lay in
bed. He made one jump at her, but she jumped out of bed into a closet.
Then the wolf put on the cap which she had dropped and crept under the

In a short while Little Red Riding Hood knocked at the door, and
walked in, saying, "Good morning, Grandmother, I have brought you
eggs, butter and cake, and here is a bunch of flowers I gathered in
the wood." As she came nearer the bed she said, "What big ears you
have, Grandmother."

"All the better to hear you with, my dear."

"What big eyes you have, Grandmother."

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