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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 153, December 26, 1917 by Various
page 2 of 64 (03%)

It is rumoured that at a provincial Tribunal the other day an
applicant asked for a further six months' exemption as he had a wife
and a position in a butter queue to maintain.


It seems useless to attempt to cope with the multiplicity of events in
these days. Cuba has declared war on Austria; the KAISER threatens
to make a Christmas peace offer, and Mr. GEORGE BERNARD SHAW has
described himself as "a mere individual." And this all in one week.


According to Dean INGE, Germany is in many ways the best governed
country in Europe. She certainly seems to have a better governed
clergy than ours.


Much relief is felt at the announcement that rather than endanger the
Allies' "solidarity" Lord LANSDOWNE has promised not to agree with
President WILSON again.


Bloaters have reached the unprecedented price of six-pence each. It
was hoped that, at any rate, over the Christmas season they would
remain within reach of the upper classes.
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