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Notes and Queries, Number 08, December 22, 1849 by Various
page 2 of 63 (03%)
Card--Florins--John Hopkins the Psalmist
Notes in answer to Minor Queries:--Genealogy of
European Sovereigns--Countess of Pembroke's Letter,
Drayton's Poems, &c.--Viz. the corruption of
Videlicot--Authors of Old Plays--Birthplace of

Love, the King's Fool
Mare de Saham, &c.
The Advent Bells
The Poets
Mr. Poore's Literary Collections, &c., by S. Britton
The Middle Temple, by E. Foss
Minor Queries:--Henry Lord Darnley--Coffee the
Lacedaemonian Black Broth--Letters of Mrs.
Chiffinch--Sangred--Dowts of Scripture--Catsup--Nation's
Ballads--To endeavour Oneself--Date of
Anonymous Ravennas--Battle of Towton--A Peal of
Bells--Lines quotes by Goethe--MS. Sermons by
Jeremy Taylor--Papers of John Wilkes--John Ross

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