Life of Johnson, Volume 6 - Addenda, index, dicta philosophi, etc. by James Boswell
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TITLES OF MANY OF THE WORKS QUOTED IN THE NOTES. In my notes I have often given but brief references to the authors whom I quote. The following list, which is not, however, so complete as I could wish, will, I hope, do much towards supplying the deficiency. Most of the poets, and a few of the prose writers also, I have not found it needful to include, as my references apply equally well to all editions of their works. The date in each case shows, not the year of the original publication, but of the edition to which I have referred. ADDISON, Joseph, _Works_, 6 vols., London, 1862. AIKIN, J. and A. L., _Miscellaneous Pieces in Prose_, 1773. ALBEMARLE, Earl of, _Memoirs of the Marquis of Rockingham,_ 2 vols., London, 1852. ALMON, John, _Correspondence, etc. of John Wilkes_, 5 vols., London, 1805. ARRIGHI, A., _Histoire de Pascal Paoli_, 2 tom., Paris, 1843. BACON, Francis, _Philosophical Works_, edited by Ellis, Spedding, and |