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The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction - Volume 19, No. 539, March 24, 1832 by Various
page 19 of 54 (35%)

(_For the Mirror_.)

It may not be generally known that the tadpole acts the same part with
fish that ants do with birds; and that through the agency of this little
reptile, perfect skeletons, even of the smallest fishes may be obtained.
To produce this, it is but necessary to suspend the fish by threads
attached to the head and tail in an horizontal position, in a jar of water,
such as is found in a pond, and change it often, till the tadpoles have
finished their work. Two or three tadpoles will perfectly dissect a fish
in twenty-four hours.


* * * * *


The first is a learned entomologist, who, hearing one evening at the
Linnean Society that a yellow Scarabaeus, otherwise beetle, of a very rare
kind was to be captured on the sands at Swansea, immediately took his seat
in the mail for that place, and brought back in triumph the object of his
desire. The second is Mr. David Douglas, who spent two years among the
wild Indians of the Rocky Mountains, was reduced to such extremities as
occasionally to sup upon the flaps of his saddle; and once, not having
this resource, was obliged to eat up all the seeds he had collected the
previous forty days in order to appease the cravings of nature. Not
appalled by these sufferings, he has returned again to endure similar
hardships, and all for a few simples. The third example is Mr. Drummond,
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