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The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction - Volume 19, No. 539, March 24, 1832 by Various
page 28 of 54 (51%)
Oh Margaret!--for thee! for thy dear sake!
[_Rushes out. The _Queen_ sinks into a chair._]


Refus'd and scorn'd! Infamy!--the word chokes me!
How now! why stand'st thou gazing at me thus?


I wait your highness' pleasure.--(_Aside_) So all is well--
A crown hath fail'd to tempt him--as I see
In yonder lady's eyes.


Oh sweet revenge!
Thou art my only hope, my only dower,
And I will make thee worthy of a Queen.
Proud noble, I will weave thee such a web,--
I will so spoil and trample on thy pride,
That thou shalt wish the woman's distaff were
Ten thousand lances rather than itself.
Ha! waiting still, sir Priest! Well as them seest
Our venture hath been somewhat baulk'd,--'tis not
Each arrow readies swift and true the aim,--
Love having failed, we'll try the best expedient,
That offers next,--what sayst thou to revenge?
'Tis not so soft, but then 'tis very sure;
Say, shall we wring this haughty soul a little?
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